Is it Possible to Change your Mindset?
Short answer- yes. Anyone can change a fixed mindset into a growth mindset; you just need to know how to.
According to Clay Drinko, “Dweck clarified her work by explaining that everyone has a fixed mindset at one time or another about one thing or another. People do not permanently have either a fixed or growth mindset” (Drinko). This tells us that you can always change your mindset. Sometimes when times are rough someone with a growth mindset may change into a fixed mindset, but this can be reversed, too. No one is born with a fixed or growth mindset, and their mindset doesn’t remain the same forever. It can always be changed.
The article “25 Ways to Develop a Growth Mindset” says, “According to Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, this isn’t some hypothetical situation, dependent on any manner of factors from genes to environment. It’s a mindset. And it’s one you can cultivate at any point in life” (Briggs). This confirms the fact that your mindset isn’t permanent because it tells us that there’s no biological connection of our mindset to our genes or environment. Therefore, we can change it whenever we want.
Our mindset affects the decisions we make, which affects lots of things we do. To prosper in life (not just in work), we must obtain a growth mindset. It’s possible, and it’s in our hands to develop it.
- Briggs, Saga, et al. “25 Ways to Develop a Growth Mindset.” InformED, 16 Dec. 2020,
- Drinko, Clay. “What Is a Fixed Mindset and Can You Change It?” Lifehack, Lifehack, 29 Apr. 2021,